Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ladybugs and The Camera

I finally got the crib set up and bought some cute bedding. I have always loved Lady bugs and I was lucky to find this cute bedding. The wall was originally painted purple to match Brinlee's old room but with the new bedding it looked odd so I painted it tan. I'm dying to finish decorating it but I guess we should wait until we move.

Since Bailee sometimes sleeps in her crib upstairs I bought a video monitor so I can hear and see Bailee when I'm on another level. I LOVE the monitor...sometimes I just sit and watch her sleep. She is just too precious. However, recently Bailee has not enjoyed napping in her crib...she prefers to be held while she naps.....but I've been laying her down and letting her cry for a while.

The other day she rolled around the crib until she was positioned right in front of the camera and then she would cry longinly into the camera. When I saw her looking right at me it was kind of creepy. Does my little 6 month old know I am watching her? It was obviously coincidental...but kind of funny! I finally got my camera and snapped a shot of her staring at me. It's a little blurry but you get the picture.


Penny said...

Oh, I bet that pulled at the heartstrings - be strong! That would have been hard for me not to have gone in.

Chrissy-teeny said... cute!! That's pretty funny, just sitting there starring at you..

Claire said...

That is hilarious is a sad way...she knows how to get you to come and pick her up! She is so cute! I love her headbands...I don't think Grant would go for one of those.