I often look back in my journals and read the funny things that my children said to me when they were little. Like the time Brinlee was about 4 years old and she said, "Mom...old ladies are rough!" I was a little stumped until she explained, "They can hit you with their purses."
As the kids get older I've noticed that I don't have as many funny stories, however, Kenadee is still continuing to supply us with a little honest laughter when it comes to her interpretation of a word she hasn't seen before. As a little kid some of her words included, Kwes-a-dellias (for Quesadilla's), Pail Nolish (for nail polish) and Nickels and Diamonds (for dimes).
Last night she was eating string cheese and thought it was very tasty.
Kena: Mmmm...this cheese is good.
Me: What kind is it?
Kena: Cash-ay Valley!
Me: Oh....you mean (Cash) Cache Valley?
Kena: Well...whatever...I don't know.
Perhaps the best one yet is just after we had moved to Utah and she saw the Bingham Cyclery store. I don't think she had ever encountered the word cyclery before. She asked me,
"Mom...is it Sickelry, or Kikelry!"
Friday, January 8, 2010
Posted by Victoria at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sign Language
We hosted Thanksgiving this year and my sister, Jacqueline, decided to do a quick photo shoot for us the following day. I was able to pull together some outfits and we headed up to a cute up the canyon in Liberty. Bailee's pictures were my absolute favorite. Jacqui is so good at capturing my children SO perfectly. I have more pictures to post later but for now here's an update on Bailee.
It's crazy to think she will be 18 months in January. She still seems too tiny to be that old. She is so petite and hasn't hit the 20 pound mark yet. She's small but feisty. A while ago I began teaching her sign language which she completely disliked and showed this with her high pitched scream. The first word was cup and it took a few weeks for her to finally sign the word. I was so excited. She then quickly picked up other signs: more, eat, dog, mommy, daddy..... however, she was still screaming for "help" so I decided to make up a sign for that. My computer was down and I didn't have a way to check the actual sign.
So the sign for help was to touch her head and say help. She picked this up really quickly too, however, a few weeks went by and she become more enthusiastic with her signs. I had second thoughts about this made up sign when I took her to the mall and she needed help on the kiddie slide....she began hitting herself in the head and yelling 'hep...hep'. I have since found out that the sign for help is to make a fist and hit the palm of the other hand. Fortunately, she is picking up words quickly and her pronunciation is clear so we she doesn't have to hit herself much anymore.
Here's another favorite picture of all the children. Thanks Sis!

Posted by Victoria at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Big 4.0.
This past weekend was a big one for Marc. He turned the ripe old age of 40. It's hard to believe he's even that old with his boyish good looks. He keeps saying that he just doesn't feel that old.
Here he is as a boy. What a cutie!
So, the day before his birthday I surprised him with a day of skiing at Solitude Ski Resort in Big Cottonwood Canyon. I had heard sometime in October that the resort should be open by Nov. 13th and I kept that in mind for his big day. We've never skiied that early ever....so I thought it would be fun.....and it was!
After skiing we stopped at the U of U to pick up Bailee from my sister. My nephew Tally was playing in the football game to determine who would go to the state championships. We stayed for a few hours but had to leave to get back for Kenadee's birthday party. She turned 12 on the 12th but more about that in the next post.
We made it home in time to freshen up and then take Kenadee and 7 girlfriends to dinner at Costa Vida and to see the new Disney Christmas Carol movie. We also took the family...but we didn't sit anywhere near the girls!!
After the movie I took the girls home while Marc and the kids got their swimsuits on ready to go to flowrider....an indoor surfing place. Fridays from 11pm-12am its only $5. They ended up staying an extra half hour and made it home by 1.30am. He was kicking of his 40's in a big way!
By the time his actual birthday rolled around he was exhausted (and a little sore). He was quite content to stay home on his birthday, relax and watch movies. So that's what we did...until about 4.30p when his mom arrived to watch the kids (or at least thats what we told him). She was actually here to set up for his 'surprise' party!
I was nervous that we had left for dinner kind of late and when he chose his restaurant there was a 30 minute wait which meant we would have 15 mins to order and eat so I started faking sick. After a 30 minute wait, I finally had to tell the hostess about the party and ask if she could bump us up which she kindly did. Marc was so sweet as I faked sick. He was even going to get his food to go but they were fast enough that he ate it and we headed home. I was telling him to hurry all the way home saying I felt that I was going to throw up. He honestly had NO IDEA that there would be a party. My dad caught his reaction in the photo below.

I really don't like planning parties and it weighed on me the whole week prior. It's hard to keep a secret and also to try to get things done when my hubby works at home. My sister in laws, Molly and Caity, and Marc's mom, were a huge help with the party. Molly helped me plan an 80's theme. They looked so awesome....Adam and John too!

I did a terrible job of taking photos....well, I didn't take any. My dad took these. I wish I had taken pictures of all the guests for our scrapbook. He had some good friends from high school show up which was a big surprise. It meant a lot to him to have his family and friends there to support him during his middle age crisis. He said it made the transition a lot smoother!
Posted by Victoria at 8:01 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Computer Problems
I've been having computer problems. It died without warning or explanation. The kids were mortified...what would they do without it. I, on the other hand, was somewhat relieved.
It's not that they use the computer a lot, in fact hardly at all. BUT....when one does ask to use my lap top it tends to remind the other two that they would like to use it too. Hence, the battle ensues as to who gets to use it, how much time they get, how much time the other person was on it....blah blah blah!
Thats the part that I don't like...refereeing. So, when I found out that my computer was fine, phew, and it was only a plug issue, I purchased the plug and then began my covert operation.
I hid my laptop in my bedroom. I could use it during the day while the children were at school but when I most often needed it at dinnertime for recipes or during the evenings I had to sneak into my bedroom and lock the door. I did really well for about two weeks until Jake brought up the issue. I had accidentally left it out in my bedroom and he had noticed it. I tried to cover with a tiny white lie but I think he caught on. So, when I wasn't looking he plugged it in and was very excited to tell me it was working.
Then a few days later the new plug I had bought stopped working. For reals! I didn't even fake this although Jake was completely suspicious. I was without a computer again for another week while a new plug was ordered. I have my new plug and I'm hoping to do better at updating my blog more often.
Posted by Victoria at 11:03 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Crazy Hair Day
This week is 'Drug Week' at the children's school.
Let me rephrase that.....It is say NO to Drugs Week!
All week long the children get to dress up in various outfits to remind them NOT to use drugs and today is "Drug's are Ridiculous": dress in ridiculous clothes and hair.
And not to be left out.... Bailee is sporting her 'Ridonkulous' version of crazy hair.
You know....I took a lot of medication when I was pregnant with her. So, just remember....if you use drugs, you're hair might turn out like this too.
Posted by Victoria at 10:18 AM 3 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Pageant
When Kenadee was born (almost 12 years ago), I used to think about what she would be like when she got older. What kind of person would she be? What would she be interested in? What would her personality be like? And I often used to hope (and pray) that WE would teach her what was important in life, help her to become a contributing member of society and not mess her up along the way.
Yesterday I got a glimpse into that world. And I think its safe to say we're doing an okay job. Even though she is only 11...almost 12, we got to see what a beautiful young lady she is becoming.
This pageant was her first experience at being on stage in front of a lot of people. After all of the excitement and preparation leading up to this day , Kenadee realised what was about to happen. The morning of her pageant her smile quickly faded as her nerves began to show through. She started to question why she had done this and wondered if she really wanted to get up on stage after all.
Ultimately she realised that this was an unforgettable experience that she would learn a lot from. I was impressed at her courage, her positive self talk and her motivation. She really wanted to grow from this experience and conquer her fear of being in front of a large group.
And so she went from practice rehearsals that morning where she looked slightly nervous and unsure of her 'walk' to the evening event where she confidently and excitedly knocked it out of the park.
This experience also reminded us that there is truth in the saying.... 'It takes a Village'.
From the sponsorships donated by family, friends and businesses, to Aunt Caity who so beautifully styled her hair and grandma who pulled out the needle and fixed her dress the morning of the pageant (PHEW!), to Aunt Molly and Co. for watching the kids for a good 5 hours so we could attend the pageant and Nana and Grandad who spent their evening watching Bailee....and to all of those who cheered her on!!
It's GREAT to be loved!!
Kenadee and Grandma.....one of her biggest fans
Kenadee with Nana and Grandad.....more superfans!
Kenadee and Mum.....THE biggest fan (along with dad..who dodged the pictures)
Posted by Victoria at 3:31 PM 8 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Posted by Victoria at 11:48 AM 2 comments